Brow lift

Idaho Falls and Rexburg

What causes the changes that occur to the brows with age?

With time, the bones of our face change shape. When this happens, the amount of bone that supports the soft tissue of the face, decreases.
These changes affect all the bones of the face, including the forehead bones, the bones around the eye, the cheek bones, bones between the nose and mouth, as well as the chin. With age, the amount of bone in all of these areas decreases. When this happens, the muscles, ligaments, fat pads and skin that rest on these bones move downward. The same thing happens to the eyebrows. They move downward with age with the rest of the tissue of the face. When the brows hang down, this is called “brow ptosis”.
Close up portrait of sensual pretty young woman

How are aging changes of the brows treated?

There are many ways to treat low brows. Each way used to treat brows has its benefits. They are discussed below.

Dermal Filler

For non-surgical treatment, dermal filler can be used. Dermal filler is used to to replace volume in the face and can be placed in many areas. When dermal filler is placed in the forehead or in the temples, this helps to bring the brows back up into the proper position. This approach to lifting the brow is inexpensive when compared to the cost of a cosmetic brow lift.


This 74-year-old man had a direct brow lift, as well as an upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty and internal ptosis repair on both sides. He looks and feel refreshed and has had a significant improvement in his vision.
This 74-year-old man had a direct brow lift, as well as an upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty and internal ptosis repair on both sides. He looks and feel refreshed and has had a significant improvement in his vision.
This 74-year-old man had a direct brow lift, as well as an upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty and internal ptosis repair on both sides. He looks and feel refreshed and has had a significant improvement in his vision.
This 74-year-old man had a direct brow lift, as well as an upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty and internal ptosis repair on both sides. He looks and feel refreshed and has had a significant improvement in his vision.
transfollicular brow lift before and after
transfollicular brow lift before and after
transfollicular brow lift before and after

Energy Based Devices

Non-invasive treatment for lifting of the eyebrow can also be accomplished with energy-based devices. These treatments involve treating the skin above the eyebrow with different types of energy that heat up the skin and tissues beneath the skin. The heat causes some the treated tissue to respond with an “injury response” that leads to the development of collagen in the skin. This causes the skin to tighten up and the tightening in turn lifts the brows up.
Newer energy-based devices also cause tightening of the skin by removing “cores” of skin. When the skin heals, the holes where the cores of skin were removed close and bring the skin edges together. This causes a tightening of the skin which can in turn lift the surrounding structures. The effect these devices have on lifting the brows is being investigated.


There are many different surgical techniques used to treat brow ptosis, or droopy brows. Each technique has its strength. Some approaches use small incisions that are hidden. Some approaches remove skin and have less risk of falling over time. Some approaches will change the position of your hair line. When deciding which type of brow surgery is the best for you, it is important to talk to your surgeon about you desires and expectations so that you can decide together what approach is best for you.



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What are some of the risks of treating low brows?

Some people have asymmetric brows. They may have one brow higher that is higher than the other or one brow that has a different shape than the other. It is important to understand that sometimes the asymmetry may be fixed and sometimes it can only be improved.

Will my insurance cover brow treatments to fix a droopy brow?

Treatment of brow ptosis with dermal fillers or energy-based devices is not covered by insurance. If your droopy brows are leading to loss of vision up above and to the sides, your insurance may cover your brow lift surgery. Your surgeon can explain which surgeries will be covered.

What is the recovery like after eyebrow lift procedures?

Bruising can occur with dermal filler injection and with some energy-based devices. This will typically resolve within 10-14 days. Numbness can occur after both some energy-based devices and some surgeries. This will usually resolve within a month of treatment with energy-based devices. Not every surgical approach used for the treatment of droopy brows will lead to numbness. For those procedures where there is numbness after surgery, the numbness will usually resolve slowly over the following number of months.
woman face touched by doctors in gloves

How long does eyebrow treatment last?

If dermal filler is used to treat a droopy brow, the length of time it will last will depend on the filler that is used. Some fillers will last an average of 9-12 months, while other fillers will last an average of 15 months.
The results of energy-based devices will last different amounts of time based on the type of device used. Some treatments will need to be repeated every 4-6 months to keep up the result. Some treatment results will last much longer.
Surgical treatments to lift the brows will, in general, last longer than non-invasive treatments. Surgical treatments that remove skin will last many years whereas surgeries where skin is moved upwards, but not actually removed, will have the risk of falling in the future.
If you are interested in learning more about which brow lift technique is best for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Peck. She will talk to you about your concerns and help you find the treatment that will help you meet your goals.
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