Eyelid Lumps and Bumps

Idaho Falls and Rexburg

Quick and safe treatment for eyelid bumps.

In some cases, eyelid lumps and bumps can seem to appear almost overnight. While they might not always be physically dangerous, they can still impact a patient’s life. Visible bumps can affect one’s appearance and negatively affect self-esteem.
Dr. Peck is proud to provide safe and effective procedures and treatments for eyelid lumps and bumps in Idaho Falls and Rexburg. Contact us today to get started with an evaluation and begin building a treatment plan.
Eye and eyelashes with lumps

What Are Eyelid Lumps and Bumps?

Eyelid lumps and bumps generally arise from common conditions affecting the eye area. They can appear in a range of different ways. But common appearances include as red or yellow bumps, raised skin lesions, or puffy areas around the eyes.
The most common type of lump or bump would be an eyelid stye. While these types of growths are often harmless, they can be bothersome and uncomfortable. In some cases, they may indicate an underlying medical condition that requires treatment. So, if you have noticed any lumps or bumps on your eyelids, we recommend visiting a specialist.


5 star rating
Dr. Cutler Peck is recognized as the region’s foremost eyelid surgery specialist.
Dr. Cutler Peck is a double board-certified plastic surgeon focused on Oculofacial
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Will Eyelid Bumps Go Away on Their Own?

In some cases, styes do resolve without requiring treatment. For these cases, it is up to you whether you want to pursue treatment or not. However, we generally recommend seeing a specialist for an examination, so you can learn about the type of lump you have. By knowing what it is, you can choose whether to pursue treatment or not.

Treatment Overview for Eyelid Lumps and Bumps

At Dr. Peck’s office, we understand the discomfort caused by eyelid lumps and bumps and prioritize providing effective treatments that can help you look your best. We will assess your individual needs based on your medical history, lifestyle, and treatment goals to create a customized plan designed to reduce the appearance of eyelid lumps and bumps. In some cases, non-surgical methods may be enough to reduce the size of a bump or to fully eliminate it. Even if a surgical method is needed, they are often minimally invasive and prove highly effective.
For surgical removal, patients can expect to be fully comfortable with only local anesthetic. By using local numbing instead of general anesthesia, much less strain is placed on the patient’s body. This reduces any risk and shortens the recovery period even further. The duration of the procedure can last anywhere from minutes to about one hour, depending on the extent of it. Before your procedure, Dr. Peck will provide you with a full outline of what yours will look like.

Benefits of Treating Eyelid Lumps and Bumps

By treating your eyelid lumps and bumps, you can help improve the overall appearance of your eye area and reduce any discomfort you may be feeling. Our treatments are designed to provide lasting results and long-lasting relief from the nuisance of eyelid lumps and bumps in Idaho Falls and Rexburg. With care provided by Dr. Peck, patients can experience quick procedure times that provide results they enjoy.
woman face touched by doctors in gloves

Should I Seek Treatment?

If you find yourself experiencing lumps or bumps around the eyes, we recommend seeking treatment as soon as possible. If the bump is a cosmetic concern, we can provide a way forward for restoring your eyelid and boosting confidence. If the bump causes other issues, treating it allows you to see a reduction of symptoms. So in either case, seeking treatment is often an optimal path toward positive results.
At Dr. Peck’s office, our experienced professionals are committed to providing high-quality care and helping you restore the appearance of your eye area. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our treatments for eyelid lumps and bumps.

After the Surgery: Recovery & Results

The recovery period after treatment for eyelid lumps and bumps varies for each patient, mostly depending on the type of procedure recovered. In general, we recommend that patients follow a few post-procedure instructions to avoid complications or infection. These instructions include encouraging patients to avoid strenuous activities and protect their eyes from direct sunlight in the immediate days following surgery.
With surgical removal, you may have some swelling for a few days up to a week, depending on the size of the lump removed. However, you will see immediate results, since the lump will have been removed during the procedure. While the results are permanent, it is important to learn about what caused the bump to form in the first place. If you have any risk factors for developing them, you may benefit from taking preventative measures.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you’re suffering from the discomfort of eyelid lumps and bumps in Idaho Falls and Rexburg, Dr. Peck is ready to provide personalized care and relief to help you look and feel your best. We encourage you to schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options and learn more about how our treatments can improve your eye health.
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