Lower Blepharoplasty

Idaho Falls and Rexburg
Surgery to remove the lower eyelid “bags” nd improve the appearance of the lower eyelids is called a “lower eyelid blepharoplasty”. The purpose of the surgery is to smooth the area where the lower eyelid connects with the cheek. The outcome of a lower eyelid blepharoplasty is very satisfying.
This surgery is commonly performed by oculofacial plastic surgeons. This surgery helps provide a younger, natural appearance. Patients look much more rested and refreshed after lower eyelid surgery and are typically very happy with their results.
Woman With white Surgical Lines On Skin

What causes the changes that occur to the lower eyelids with age?

There are many changes that happen in the face as we grow older. The bones of the face change shape with age. When this happens, all the muscles, ligaments and fat that are around the bone change position. At the same time, the skin of the lower eyelid loses collagen and becomes thin. When the bones around the eyes change shape, and the skin and other structures in the lower eyelid become loose, the fat that is around the eyeball moves forward. When this happens, it causes the appearance of “lower eyelid bags”.
Many people wonder if there is water or fluid in the lower eyelid “bags”. Some people do develop “festoons”. Festoons are seen below where fat from behind the eye bulges. Festoons happen because there are ligaments below the lower eyelids that attach to both the bone and the skin. These ligaments hold the skin tightly to the bone where it is attached. At the same time, the skin above the attachment becomes loose and hangs down towards the skin that is attached. This creates another type of bulge that often looks like there is fluid inside.


Anatole France
5 star rating
Dr. Cutler Peck is recognized as the region’s foremost eyelid surgery specialist.
Dr. Cutler Peck is a double board-certified plastic surgeon focused on Oculofacial
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

How are aging changes of the lower eyelids treated?

There are many ways to treat the aging changes of the lower eyelids. The treatment depends on what each individual needs. Some individuals have fat that gives the appearance of “bags” under the eyes. If this is the case, that fat can be removed. Some people have excess skin of the lower eyelid. This skin can be treated with a laser, so that it tightens up, or it can be removed during surgery. Some people may have a hollow space that is referred to as the “tear trough” or “under eyelid hollow”. When this is the case, dermal filler can be used to fill the space without surgery.
If you are interested in having surgery on your lower eyelids, It is important to see a surgeon who is familiar and comfortable with all the ways lower eyelids can be treated. They can then explain the different treatments, their pros and cons and recommend what is best for you. Every person who decides to have lower eyelid surgery with Dr. Peck will be examined and she will make a plan that is specific and personalized.

What are some of the risks of lower eyelid surgery?

Bleeding and infection are risks that can occur after any surgery. While some bleeding is normal in any surgery, it is best to have as little bleeding as possible during eyelids surgery. Some prescription and common over the counter medications and supplements can cause bleeding. It is important to identify whether you are taking any of these, so you can stop them before surgery. If you are taking a prescription medication to thin your blood, permission from the prescribing doctor will be needed before stopping the medication for surgery.
woman face touched by doctors in gloves

Will my insurance cover a lower eyelid blepharoplasty surgery?

Usually, lower eyelid blepharoplasty surgery is considered cosmetic, meaning that it is not covered by insurance. Very rarely, in unusual circumstances a lower eyelid blepharoplasty may be covered by insurance.

What will I need to do before a lower eyelid blepharoplasty surgery?

Before surgery, it is important to discuss with your surgeon what medications you are taking. Some medications will make it more likely that you will bleed during or after surgery. It is best to stop these medications before surgery.

What is the recovery like after lower eyelid blepharoplasty surgery?

It is common to have bruising and swelling after eyelid surgery. It will usually take 10 to 14 days for most of the bruising and swelling to go away.
A small amount of swelling can last up to six weeks. Lid Lift Goggles are very helpful and when used as directed, will cut down the healing time after a lower eyelid surgery.

How long does a lower eyelid blepharoplasty last?

A lower eyelid blepharoplasty will last some years. The length will be different for everyone. Over time, there will continue to be changes in the bones, muscles, ligaments, and skin around the eyes. As these structures keep changing, the changes will continue to play a role in how the lower eyelids appear. Over time, fat that is still behind the eye at the time of a first lower eyelid blepharoplasty can come forward and create another bulge and cause “eyelid bags” to come back. This will not happen to everyone who has a lower eyelid blepharoplasty. When it does happen, the bulge will likely not be as bad as it was before the first surgery.


This beautiful 74-year-old female is thrilled to be able to apply eyeshadow without trouble and have her eyelids look bigger!! She is also happy to have the lower eyelid bags GONE!
This beautiful 74-year-old female is thrilled to be able to apply eyeshadow without trouble and have her eyelids look bigger!! She is also happy to have the lower eyelid bags GONE!
This beautiful 74-year-old female is thrilled to be able to apply eyeshadow without trouble and have her eyelids look bigger!! She is also happy to have the lower eyelid bags GONE!
This beautiful 74-year-old female is thrilled to be able to apply eyeshadow without trouble and have her eyelids look bigger!! She is also happy to have the lower eyelid bags GONE!
This 74-year-old man had a direct brow lift, as well as an upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty and internal ptosis repair on both sides. He looks and feel refreshed and has had a significant improvement in his vision.
This 74-year-old man had a direct brow lift, as well as an upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty and internal ptosis repair on both sides. He looks and feel refreshed and has had a significant improvement in his vision.
This 74-year-old man had a direct brow lift, as well as an upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty and internal ptosis repair on both sides. He looks and feel refreshed and has had a significant improvement in his vision.
This 74-year-old man had a direct brow lift, as well as an upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty and internal ptosis repair on both sides. He looks and feel refreshed and has had a significant improvement in his vision.
Cosmetic Bilateral Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty & Cosmetic Blepharoplasty Bilateral Lower Eyelids: 64-year-old female who underwent a cosmetic upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty. Her appearance is refreshed and allows her to feel as young as she feels. It is easier to apply make-up and she feels more confident while interacting with others.
Cosmetic Bilateral Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty & Cosmetic Blepharoplasty Bilateral Lower Eyelids: 64-year-old female who underwent a cosmetic upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty. Her appearance is refreshed and allows her to feel as young as she feels. It is easier to apply make-up and she feels more confident while interacting with others.
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transfollicular brow lift before and after
transfollicular brow lift before and after
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