Male Bleproplasty

Idaho Falls and Rexburg

What is blepharoplasty surgery?

When someone has a “blepharoplasty”, they are referring to a surgery that is done to improve the appearance of the eyelids. It is also known as an “eyelid lift” surgery. This surgery can be done for both the upper and lower eyelids.
In an upper eyelid blepharoplasty surgery, the extra skin of the upper eyelid is removed. Along with removing the extra skin, if there is fat close to the nose that bulges out beneath the upper eyelid skin, it is removed at the same time.
When a blepharoplasty surgery is done for the lower eyelids, the surgeon removes the fat that bulges beneath the skin of the lower eyelid. Some individuals who have fat bulging beneath the lower eyelid skin, may also have too much lower eyelid skin or they may have loose lower eyelids. Depending on the specific needs of the individual, removing some of the excess lower eyelid skin and tightening the lower eyelids is often done at the same times as removing the fat that bulges in the lower eyelids.
Closeup shot of man opening his eyes

Why do men undergo blepharoplasty surgery?

Upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty surgery, or “eyelid lift”, is a very common surgery performed on men. Men may choose to have a blepharoplasty for many reasons. One of the most common reasons men choose to have an upper or lower eyelid blepharoplasty, or eyelid lift, is to make them more competitive in the workplace. This eyelid surgery allows someone to look ten to fifteen years younger, rather than look like they should be retired. These surgeries help individuals look on the outside the way they feel inside.
Blepharoplasty surgery also helps improve the overall sense of wellbeing. Extra eyelid skin on the upper eyelids weighs the eyelids down. This feels heavy and can make the one suffering feel tired, even when they are well rested. As the day goes on, it becomes harder and harder to lift the brows up to keep the eyelid skin from resting down and causing the sensation of being tired. Having the extra skin of the eyelids removed helps bring a more rested feeling. The surgery also helps relieve any strain from using the muscles of the forehead to lift the brows up to relieve the feeling of heaviness.
Removing excess upper eyelid skin can also provide a dramatic improvement in the field of vision up above and to the sides. Often, after surgery, it is surprising to realize how the eyelid skin blocked their vision before surgery.


George Eliot
5 star rating
Dr. Cutler Peck is recognized as the region’s foremost eyelid surgery specialist.
Dr. Cutler Peck is a double board-certified plastic surgeon focused on Oculofacial
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

What are some special considerations for men undergoing blepharoplasty or eyelid lift surgery?

When men undergo evaluation for blepharoplasty surgery, it is common for them to also have low set brows. Sometimes, the brows are low enough that they need to be lifted before removing the eyelid skin. If certain requirements are met, this can be done through insurance.
It is also important to check not only the excess eyelid skin, but also how far the eyelids open. Sometimes the eyelids don’t open enough because the muscle that opens the eyelid is weak. There is a separate surgery that can tighten the muscle responsible for opening the eyelid. This surgery is called an eyelid ptosis repair and is different than an eyelid lift or blepharoplasty surgery.

Does blepharoplasty surgery hurt?

Upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty surgery is not very painful. You may experience some very mild stinging when the numbing medicine from surgery wears off. Some may take Tylenol a few times on the day of surgery. Ibuprofen or other NSAIDS are not recommended as they can cause increase bruising after surgery.
Closeup of a young man

What is the recovery like after upper or lower eyelid blepharoplasty surgery?

After eyelid lift/blepharoplasty surgery, it is important to take it easy while you are healing. It is recommended that patients do not participate in strenuous exercise, lift heavy objects or bend down so their head is below their waist for 7 days after surgery.
It is common to have bruising and swelling of the upper and lower eyelids after blepharoplasty surgery. The lower eyelids will usually become bruised and swollen even when surgery is only done on the upper eyelids. When nothing is done to decrease the amount of bruising and swelling after surgery, the bruising usually lasts about 14 days and the swelling can last up to 6 weeks. Lid Lift Goggles, discussed below, are a great way to decrease the amount of time swelling and bruising last after surgery.

Lid Lift Goggles

Using Lid Lift Goggles after blepharoplasty surgery can speed up your recovery time dramatically. Lid Lift Goggles provide just the right amount of compression around the eyes to help reduce bruising and swelling. Patients who use Lid Lift Goggles often have minimal or now bruising and very little swelling. For most patients who use the Lid Lift Goggles, any bruising and swelling they do have is completely gone when they return for a post-op appointment 7-10 days after surgery. This means that those who use Lid Lift Goggles after surgery can return to work and social activities much sooner than they would be able to if they didn’t use them.

What precautions do I need to take prior to surgery?

It is important that you let your surgeon know if you are taking any blood thinners. These are usually prescribed after a stroke, blood clot, heart attack, irregular heartbeat or other heart problems. Blood thinners will need to be stopped before surgery, but should not be stopped until permission is given by the doctor who prescribes or monitors the blood thinner.
Some over the counter medications or prescription medications also affect the way your blood clots. These medications should also be stopped before surgery.

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Who should do your blepharoplasty?

For the best possible experience and outcome, find a surgeon who specializes in surgery of the eyelids. Oculoplastic surgeons have specialized training and focus solely on surgery of the eyelids and surrounding structures. An oculoplastic surgeon will be best able to understand the nuances of your exam and provide the best care tailored to your specific needs.

Ready to find out if blepharoplasty surgery is right for you?

If you would like to learn more about blepharoplasty surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Cutler Peck. She will take time to discuss your questions, exam findings and any recommendations specific for you.


71-year-old male pre and 6 weeks after an upper eyelid lift. He states that “Driving at night is so much better now!!” This is a common observation after this surgery. Removing the excess eyelid skin is like removing blinders and takes weight off the eyelids so they open up more. This in turn allows more light to come into the eyes and improves vision dramatically.
71-year-old male pre and 6 weeks after an upper eyelid lift. He states that “Driving at night is so much better now!!” This is a common observation after this surgery. Removing the excess eyelid skin is like removing blinders and takes weight off the eyelids so they open up more. This in turn allows more light to come into the eyes and improves vision dramatically.
This 71-year-old gentleman was “very happy” with the results of his upper eyelid blepharoplasty. He stated “The surgery has improved my overall quality of life – especially my driving! I can see the sky, I can see birds! It is like the blinds were halfway down and you have opened them up wide!”
This 71-year-old gentleman was “very happy” with the results of his upper eyelid blepharoplasty. He stated “The surgery has improved my overall quality of life – especially my driving! I can see the sky, I can see birds! It is like the blinds were halfway down and you have opened them up wide!”
upper blepharoplasty before and after
upper blepharoplasty before and after
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