Revision Blepharoplasty

Idaho Falls and Rexburg

Finally achieve the results you deserve.

Revision blepharoplasty can prove the ideal solution for patients let down by the results of a previous eyelid procedure.
From correcting subtle errors in results to larger concerns, a revision procedure can address many concerns. With revision eyelid surgery by Dr. Cutler Peck in Idaho Falls and Rexburg, you may find your path forward for lasting results you can love.
Woman With white Surgical Lines On Skin

What Is Revision Blepharoplasty Surgery?

Revision blepharoplasty is done when someone has had a blepharoplasty or eyelid lift surgery but there is an unexpected result. This covers a range of possible outcomes that a patient might not be satisfied with. Perhaps the previous surgeon did not make the wanted changes, or the results were different from expected, or complications arose. Whatever the case might have been, revision eyelid surgery offers patients a new path forward. When any of these issues or others happen, a “revision” can be done. A “revision” is another procedure or surgery done to correct the unexpected result of the first surgery. Additionally, it is available not only for blepharoplasty but many cosmetic surgeries.


Anatole France
5 star rating
Dr. Cutler Peck is recognized as the region’s foremost eyelid surgery specialist.
Dr. Cutler Peck is a double board-certified plastic surgeon focused on Oculofacial
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

When should I think about having revision blepharoplasty surgery?

When you feel let down by the results of a prior blepharoplasty, this is when revision eyelid surgery may be necessary. It is important to discuss your situation with Dr. Cutler Peck in Idaho Falls and Rexburg before making any decisions about revising the procedure. During your consultation, Dr. Peck will determine if making the desired corrections or changes to your previous results is possible.

What do I need to know about revision blepharoplasty surgery?

When done by a skilled, experienced surgeon like Dr. Cutler Peck in Idaho Falls and Rexburg, revision blepharoplasty can provide a safe way to improve the results of prior eyelid surgery. However, the most important part of achieving success is open and full communication with your surgeon. The more you come to understand one another, the better your results can turn out.

Who should I talk to about revision blepharoplasty surgery?

If you are considering having revision eyelid surgery in Idaho Falls and Rexburg, then reach out to Dr. Peck by calling our office or using the online form. Patients come from all over the state for her expertise and experience with these types of procedures. She will be able to answer any questions you may have about how she can bring about the results you want.
woman face touched by doctors in gloves

How long do I need to wait before having revision blepharoplasty surgery?

Due to the delicate nature of revision eyelid surgery, it is important to wait until your body has recovered from your previous procedure. Depending on the patient and situation, Dr. Peck will advise you when it’s safe to have a revision blepharoplasty done based on your individual case. However, you can certainly begin planning for your revision procedure as soon as you realize that you may not be satisfied with your previous results.

What can I expect when I have revision blepharoplasty surgery?

It is important to remember that revision eyelid surgery can take a bit longer than the initial procedure. This is because Dr. Peck must be extra careful and precise with her work, making subtle changes to the complex structures of the eyelid. Depending on the complexity of your case, she may need to adjust tissue or reposition muscles and fat while working with any scarring from a previous surgery. The entire procedure will be completed with anesthetic so the patient remains comfortable. After your procedure, you can return home that same day.

Who should I see for revision blepharoplasty surgery?

We recommend only visiting a board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon. While many cosmetic surgeons offer eyelid procedures, not all of them are facial specialists. Dr. Peck’s specialty lies particularly in these kinds of procedures, ensuring that you are in the hands of a trained expert.

What could possibly go wrong with an eyelid lift or blepharoplasty surgery?

The most common complication from eyelid surgery is an infection. This can lead to swelling, redness, and discomfort around the eye area. If left untreated, it can also cause permanent damage to the delicate structures of the eyes or create scarring. It is important to follow all post-surgery instructions given by your doctor to avoid any potential complications arising. Other factors can include mistakes on the part of inexperienced or non-specialized surgeons.

Who typically does revision blepharoplasty/eyelid lift surgery?

Usually, when someone wants a revision to their eyelid lift or blepharoplasty surgery, they will see an oculoplastic surgeon. Oculoplastic surgeons have had specialized training in operating on eyelids and the tissue around the eyelids. Oculoplastic surgeons are the “eyelid experts.” Other doctors will refer any complicated eyelid cases, especially those who need a revision to their blepharoplasty or eyelid lift surgery, to an oculoplastic surgeon.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Dr. Peck is a board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon with years of experience in performing successful revision blepharoplasty surgeries. If you are considering having this procedure done, please contact our office today to schedule an appointment and take the first step of the process. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals and finally see the results you deserve!
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