Thyroid Eye surgery and Orbital Decompression

Idaho Falls and Rexburg
Graves disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid, but it can also cause physical effects. One of these common effects is a facial appearance notable for bulgy eyes. However, an oculofacial surgeon can provide a surgical means by which you can reduce eye bulging through orbital decompression.
Dr. Peck proudly provides orbital decompression surgery in Idaho Hills to patients who want to address bulgy eyes. With this procedure, patients can expect to see an improvement in both comfort and their cosmetic appearance.
Portrait of a mature woman relaxing

What Causes Bulgy Eyes?

Bulgy eyes, also known as exophthalmos or proptosis, are generally caused by Graves Disease, an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid gland. As part of this condition, the muscles and fatty tissues around the eye may become swollen and press against the eyeball. This can cause bulging and other symptoms such as double vision and headaches.


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How Are Graves Disease and Bulgy Eyes Treated?

Dr. Peck is a board-certified oculofacial surgeon who offers orbital decompression surgery to patients suffering from Graves Disease in Idaho Falls. This surgical procedure helps reduce the pressure of the swollen tissues around the eye, resulting in improved visual acuity and decreased discomfort. The result is a change in the position of the eye, making for a more natural and rested appearance. While this surgery does not treat the core of Graves disease, it does alleviate much of the struggle of living with the disease. We also strongly advise seeing a specialist for treating the other effects of Graves disease for full management of the condition.

What Is Orbital Decompression Surgery Like?

We ensure patient comfort throughout the procedure by use of anesthesia. Though the type can vary (ranging from full general anesthesia to sedation), patients can expect a comfortable, pain-free surgery. The surgery typically takes anywhere from one and a half to three hours, depending on the severity of your condition and the specific techniques required. After the procedure is complete, you can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treatment sites, but this can be managed with medication at at-home care.

Is There a Recovery Period?

Yes, there is a recovery period, during which it is important to follow your recovery instructions carefully. After orbital decompression surgery, patients can expect a recovery period of about two weeks. During this time, you should take extra precautions to protect your eyes from further injury and avoid activities that may aggravate the area (including heavy lifting or other strenuous activity). We recommend taking breaks often and avoiding physical activities for at least one month after your procedure. Dr. Peck will likely need to see you for a follow-up visit to track your healing and ensure your results are turning out properly. Once the swelling has fully subsided, you should begin seeing your final results. If you have any questions while recovering, we are here to help and are only a phone call away.
woman face touched by doctors in gloves

What Are the Results of Thyroid Eye Surgery Decompression?

The results of orbital decompression surgery can be dramatic and life-changing for those suffering from Graves’ Disease. Patients can expect to see a significant reduction in bulging, as well as improved vision due to the decrease in pressure that was being applied to the eyeball. Many people also report feeling more rested and looking younger due to the change in the pressure on their eyes and appearance. The cosmetic change can also lend to a boost in confidence and comfort in how one looks.

Can Bulgy Eyes Come Back?

During your consultation, Dr. Peck and her staff will review the specifics of orbital decompression surgery to ensure you are a good fit for this procedure. Part of this is ensuring that the procedure will provide you with lasting results. In most of Dr. Peck’s cases, patients are able to achieve lasting relief from the eye-related symptoms of Graves disease.

Is Bulgy Eye Surgery the Right Choice for Me?

Patients who have Graves Disease, bulging eyes, and other related symptoms are good candidates for orbital decompression surgery. Dr. Peck can assess your condition and determine if this procedure is right for you during a discussion and consultation. For many patients, the choice to have orbital decompression surgery depends on how much they want to adjust their appearance. The cosmetic changes that can be achieved through bulgy eye surgery can lend themselves to patients feeling a boost in confidence.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you are interested in learning more about orbital decompression surgery in Idaho Falls, contact Dr. Peck today to discuss your options and get the care you need. With Dr. Peck’s expertise and years of experience performing thyroid eye surgery decompression for Graves disease, you can trust that you will be in the best hands possible. Schedule your appointment today to learn more and start with a personal consultation.
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