Upper Blepharoplasty

Idaho Falls and Rexburg
Surgery to remove extra skin from the upper eyelids is called an “upper eyelid blepharoplasty” or “eyelid lift” surgery. It is the most common surgery performed by oculoplastic surgeons. An upper eyelid blepharoplasty is the surgery that treats extra skin of the upper eyelid. Patients are very happy after this type of surgery. The surgery helps you to look younger, but in a very natural way. It also helps you look refreshed, more awake, and happier.

What causes the appearance of extra eyelid skin?

With time, the upper eyelid skin starts to sag. This sagging of the eyelid skin is caused by several changes that happen as we age. Or skull, or bones of the face, support all the skin, muscles, ligaments, and fat that make up the face. As we get older, the bone above our eyes, beneath the skin of the forehead, and the bones around our eyes change shape. When this happens, the skin on the forehead, the eyebrows, and the upper eyelid skin move downward.
When the eyebrows and the skin of the upper eyelids moves downward, this makes the eyelid skin bulge forward a bit. This leads to the eyelid skin resting on the eyelashes and looking like there is too much eyelid skin. Along with changes in the bone, the volume or position of the fat below the eyelid skin may change. This can also lead to the appearance of extra skin of the upper eyelids. Furthermore, there are ligaments that attach the facial skin to the underlying bone. As the bone remodels and changes shape, the ligaments move and lead to changes in the overlying skin. Also, age and sun exposure lead to a loss of collagen and elastin in the skin. This also leads to thinning and sagging of the skin of the upper eyelids.
Cropped shot of a woman's eye

How is extra upper eyelid skin treated?

The most effective way to treat excess upper eyelid skin is to have surgery to remove it. The extra skin can also be treated with different devices that use light and energy to shrink skin and cause it to produce more collagen. However, depending on how much extra skin there is, these treatments often need to be repeated many times, and even after many treatments, it may not be possible to get the same type of result you can get with surgery.


George Eliot
5 star rating
Dr. Cutler Peck is recognized as the region’s foremost eyelid surgery specialist.
Dr. Cutler Peck is a double board-certified plastic surgeon focused on Oculofacial
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

What are some risks of upper eyelid surgery?

Any time surgery is performed, there is a risk of infection or bleeding. Also, it is possible to take too much skin off. If this happens, it will be difficult to close your eyelids all the way. This is much more likely to happen when someone who is not trained as an oculoplastic surgeon does the surgery. It is important to choose a surgeon that is trained specifically to perform this type of surgery. Oculoplastic surgeons are eyelid specialists. They do more upper eyelid surgeries than any other type of surgeon. Patients who choose to have a specialist do their surgery are more likely to have good results after surgery.

Will my insurance cover my upper eyelid blepharoplasty or “eyelid lift” surgery?

A common question is whether upper eyelid blepharoplasty surgery will be covered by insurance. Many insurance companies set their requirements to be like Medicare guidelines. For Medicare to cover upper eyelid blepharoplasty surgery the eyelid skin must be resting on the eyelashes. Also, the eyelid skin must hang down in front of the eye and cause difficulty seeing up above and to the sides. When the eyelid skin rests on the eyelids and hangs down and blocks vision up above and to the sides, it will become harder to do things like read, watch TV, work on the computer, or see the signs when driving.
woman face touched by doctors in gloves
When people with extra eyelid skin start to have trouble with reading, driving and working ont eh computer, they start to use the muscles in their forehead to lift their brows up to help them see better. When they use the muscles of their forehead to lift their eyebrows up, it pulls the extra eyelid skin off the eyelashes and up out of the line of vision. This allows them to see better. When someone is constantly lifting their eyebrows up to allow them to see better, this can lead to deep wrinkles in the forehead as well as headaches. Having surgery to remove the extra eyelid skin can help these types of symptoms get better.

What do you need to do before upper eyelid blepharoplasty or “eyelid lift” surgery?

If you are interested in having an upper eyelid blepharoplasty, you can schedule an appointment to see Dr. Peck. She can evaluate your eyelids and recommend the surgery that will be best for you. Many people may want to have a lower eyelid blepharoplasty or brow lift at the same time as their eyelid surgery. Dr. Peck can talk to you about your needs and help you understand what surgery would be best for you. It is also important to discuss your health history and medications that you take before surgery. You will be asked to stop certain medications that cause increased bleeding before your surgery.

What is the recovery like after upper eyelid blepharoplasty or “eyelid lift” surgery?

Most people who have upper eyelid blepharoplasty surgery do very well after surgery. It is uncommon to feel much pain after surgery. It is common to have bruising and swelling that can last on average ten to fourteen days. The time with bruising and swelling after surgery can be much shorter if you use Lid Lift Goggles. The Lid Lift Goggles are worn for the first 2 nights and 3 days after surgery. They provide compression to the upper and lower eyelids which prevents swelling and decreases the bruising that happens right after surgery.

How long does upper eyelid blepharoplasty or “eyelid lift” surgery last?

The benefits of having the extra skin of the eyelids removed by surgery will last on average for 40 years.


This beautiful 74-year-old female is thrilled to be able to apply eyeshadow without trouble and have her eyelids look bigger!! She is also happy to have the lower eyelid bags GONE!
This beautiful 74-year-old female is thrilled to be able to apply eyeshadow without trouble and have her eyelids look bigger!! She is also happy to have the lower eyelid bags GONE!
This beautiful 74-year-old female is thrilled to be able to apply eyeshadow without trouble and have her eyelids look bigger!! She is also happy to have the lower eyelid bags GONE!
This beautiful 74-year-old female is thrilled to be able to apply eyeshadow without trouble and have her eyelids look bigger!! She is also happy to have the lower eyelid bags GONE!
This 74-year-old man had a direct brow lift, as well as an upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty and internal ptosis repair on both sides. He looks and feel refreshed and has had a significant improvement in his vision.
This 74-year-old man had a direct brow lift, as well as an upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty and internal ptosis repair on both sides. He looks and feel refreshed and has had a significant improvement in his vision.
This 74-year-old man had a direct brow lift, as well as an upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty and internal ptosis repair on both sides. He looks and feel refreshed and has had a significant improvement in his vision.
This 74-year-old man had a direct brow lift, as well as an upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty and internal ptosis repair on both sides. He looks and feel refreshed and has had a significant improvement in his vision.
72-year-old woman who had an upper eyelid blepharoplasty. After having her eyelids lifted, she can see much better. She states that it is easier to drive, watch TV, and read. She also says: “It is so much fun because I can wear eyelid make-up now. It makes me happy!”
72-year-old woman who had an upper eyelid blepharoplasty. After having her eyelids lifted, she can see much better. She states that it is easier to drive, watch TV, and read. She also says: “It is so much fun because I can wear eyelid make-up now. It makes me happy!”
80-year-old female had her upper eyelids lifted with an internal ptosis repair. This creates more space between the boarder of the upper eyelid and the pupil. She also had an "eyelid lift" or upper eyelid blepharoplasty where the excess upper eyelid skin was removed. A natural, refreshed appearance is the result. She also had internal ptosis repair of both upper eyelids.
80-year-old female had her upper eyelids lifted with an internal ptosis repair. This creates more space between the boarder of the upper eyelid and the pupil. She also had an “eyelid lift” or upper eyelid blepharoplasty where the excess upper eyelid skin was removed. A natural, refreshed appearance is the result. She also had internal ptosis repair of both upper eyelids
40-year-old female underwent an upper eyelid "lift" or blepharoplasty to remove the excess eyelid skin that was starting to weigh down her eyelids. This has given her a refreshed appearance as well as the ability to wear eyelid makeup again. Her eyelids also feel lighter. She is "thrilled" with her result.
40-year-old female underwent an upper eyelid “lift” or blepharoplasty to remove the excess eyelid skin that was starting to weigh down her eyelids. This has given her a refreshed appearance as well as the ability to wear eyelid makeup again. Her eyelids also feel lighter. She is “thrilled” with her result.
70-year-old female before and 2 weeks after an upper eyelid blepharoplasty. Having the eyelid skin removed is the most common procedure performed by and oculoplastic surgeon. There are multiple benefits to having this surgery. Patients are always excited with their improved vision and find it easier to go about their daily activities. It also helps them look younger and more pleasant!
70-year-old female before and 2 weeks after an upper eyelid blepharoplasty. Having the eyelid skin removed is the most common procedure performed by and oculoplastic surgeon. There are multiple benefits to having this surgery. Patients are always excited with their improved vision and find it easier to go about their daily activities. It also helps them look younger and more pleasant!
Shown here is a 66-year-old female 9 days after her upper eyelid blepharoplasty. She used Lid-Lift-Goggles which allow rapid healing by decreasing the amount of bruising and swelling in the first days after surgery. The sutures used are dissolvable, but if any amount of suture material is remaining at the post-op visit, it is removed. The incision lines are still visible at this point after surgery, as you can see in the above photos, but they are hidden in a smile line and they fade quickly. She states “It was so incredible to wake up after a day and be able to see without moving my head up! My brother is jealous because he has the same eyelids I had and wants the same surgery! My husband says “It’s nice to see your big brown eyes!””
Shown here is a 66-year-old female 9 days after her upper eyelid blepharoplasty. She used Lid-Lift-Goggles which allow rapid healing by decreasing the amount of bruising and swelling in the first days after surgery. The sutures used are dissolvable, but if any amount of suture material is remaining at the post-op visit, it is removed. The incision lines are still visible at this point after surgery, as you can see in the above photos, but they are hidden in a smile line and they fade quickly. She states “It was so incredible to wake up after a day and be able to see without moving my head up! My brother is jealous because he has the same eyelids I had and wants the same surgery! My husband says “It’s nice to see your big brown eyes!””
This beautiful 71-year-old female wants everyone to know that this surgery is “Worth it!” She says, “I can see better and I’m so excited to put makeup on again!” She used Lid Lift Goggles which help tremendously with the recovery time by placing gentle compression on the eyelid for the first three days after surgery. When using Lid Lift Goggles, there is minimal bruising and swelling post-operatively.
This beautiful 71-year-old female wants everyone to know that this surgery is “Worth it!” She says, “I can see better and I’m so excited to put makeup on again!” She used Lid Lift Goggles which help tremendously with the recovery time by placing gentle compression on the eyelid for the first three days after surgery. When using Lid Lift Goggles, there is minimal bruising and swelling post-operatively.
This lovely 79-year-old woman said, “I’m glad I did it”, referring to having her upper eyelid “lift”. She reported increased light, improved peripheral vision, and told us she could watch TV without tilting her head back to look out from under her eyelid skin.
This lovely 79-year-old woman said, “I’m glad I did it”, referring to having her upper eyelid “lift”. She reported increased light, improved peripheral vision, and told us she could watch TV without tilting her head back to look out from under her eyelid skin.
71-year-old male pre and 6 weeks after an upper eyelid lift. He states that “Driving at night is so much better now!!” This is a common observation after this surgery. Removing the excess eyelid skin is like removing blinders and takes weight off the eyelids so they open up more. This in turn allows more light to come into the eyes and improves vision dramatically.
71-year-old male pre and 6 weeks after an upper eyelid lift. He states that “Driving at night is so much better now!!” This is a common observation after this surgery. Removing the excess eyelid skin is like removing blinders and takes weight off the eyelids so they open up more. This in turn allows more light to come into the eyes and improves vision dramatically.
This 57-year-old female underwent an upper eyelid blepharoplasty, or “eyelid lift”. After this surgery, patients are thrilled to have the weight off their eyelids, and they feel more awake. The surgery restores the youthful look of the eyelids and patients look younger and more refreshed.
This 57-year-old female underwent an upper eyelid blepharoplasty, or “eyelid lift”. After this surgery, patients are thrilled to have the weight off their eyelids, and they feel more awake. The surgery restores the youthful look of the eyelids and patients look younger and more refreshed.
Cosmetic Bilateral Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty & Cosmetic Blepharoplasty Bilateral Lower Eyelids: 64-year-old female who underwent a cosmetic upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty. Her appearance is refreshed and allows her to feel as young as she feels. It is easier to apply make-up and she feels more confident while interacting with others.
Cosmetic Bilateral Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty & Cosmetic Blepharoplasty Bilateral Lower Eyelids: 64-year-old female who underwent a cosmetic upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty. Her appearance is refreshed and allows her to feel as young as she feels. It is easier to apply make-up and she feels more confident while interacting with others.
upper blepharoplasty before and after
upper blepharoplasty before and after
transfollicular brow lift before and after
transfollicular brow lift before and after
transfollicular brow lift before and after
Bilateral Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty: 75-year-old female feels regenerated after undergoing an upper eyelid blepharoplasty. Her vision is improved and she can see better up above and to the sides. She sees more light and it is easier for her to perform her daily activities. She can also wear make-up more easily.
Bilateral Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty: 75-year-old female feels regenerated after undergoing an upper eyelid blepharoplasty. Her vision is improved and she can see better up above and to the sides. She sees more light and it is easier for her to perform her daily activities. She can also wear make-up more easily.
Bilateral Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty: 54-year-old female is thrilled after undergoing an upper eyelid blepharoplasty. She feels younger and more vibrant. She can wear her makeup as desired once again. She looks refreshed and natural. Others can now see her beautiful eyes as she shares her vibrant love of life with others.
Bilateral Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty: 54-year-old female is thrilled after undergoing an upper eyelid blepharoplasty. She feels younger and more vibrant. She can wear her makeup as desired once again. She looks refreshed and natural. Others can now see her beautiful eyes as she shares her vibrant love of life with others.
Cosmetic Bilateral Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty and Internal Ptosis Left Upper Eyelid: 57-year-old female only eight days after a cosmetic upper eyelid blepharoplasty and ptosis repair of her left upper eyelid by an internal approach. Very mild bruising is still present. Removing the weight of the excess eyelid skin allowed the right upper eyelid to open more. The approach used to lift the left upper eyelid provides a natural result with excellent symmetry of contour between the two upper eyelids. A very small esotropia (where the left eye is looking very lightly to the left.) is seen in the post photo. This is because the individual is focusing on the camera with her right eye and is not a result of surgery.
Cosmetic Bilateral Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty and Internal Ptosis Left Upper Eyelid: 57-year-old female only eight days after a cosmetic upper eyelid blepharoplasty and ptosis repair of her left upper eyelid by an internal approach. Very mild bruising is still present. Removing the weight of the excess eyelid skin allowed the right upper eyelid to open more. The approach used to lift the left upper eyelid provides a natural result with excellent symmetry of contour between the two upper eyelids. A very small esotropia (where the left eye is looking very lightly to the left.) is seen in the post photo. This is because the individual is focusing on the camera with her right eye and is not a result of surgery.
Cosmetic Bilateral Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty: A 68-year-old female here 13 days after a cosmetic upper eyelid blepharoplasty. She has a very small amount of bruising still visible and is confident out and about in public. She is thrilled with her results and appears refreshed and natural.
Cosmetic Bilateral Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty: A 68-year-old female here 13 days after a cosmetic upper eyelid blepharoplasty. She has a very small amount of bruising still visible and is confident out and about in public. She is thrilled with her results and appears refreshed and natural.
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